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Symbolbild Mikrofon


You compose, write lyrics, or publish music.


You organize concerts, use music in business premises, at events or online, in podcasts or web radios, produce music, etc.
You compose, write lyrics, or publish music.


You organize concerts, use music in business premises, at events or online, in podcasts or web radios, produce music, etc.
Publikum beim Konzert

Because music has value.

What would the world be with­out music? We at AKM and aus­tro mechana ensure that music cre­ators – peo­ple who com­pose music, write lyrics, or pub­lish them – get paid when their music is used pub­licly. Not only is this fair, but it also ensures the cre­ativ­i­ty and inde­pen­dence of the entire music industry.

Every­one loves music. We also love and appre­ci­ate those who make music.
Because music has val­ue, unequivocally.

Rückansicht einer jungen Frau mit langen blonden Haaren, die Kopfhörer berühren
Symbolbild Musiknote

As a com­pos­er or lyri­cist, you want to make mon­ey with your music.

Symbolbild Lautstärkeregler

AKM and aus­tro mechana rep­re­sent your copy­right rights.

Symbolbild elektrische Gitarre
Symbolbild Lautsprecher

As an event orga­niz­er or venue oper­a­tor, you want to go about enter­tain­ing your cus­tomers with music.

Symbolbild Musiknoten

AKM and aus­tro mechana pro­vide you with the license to play.

We are there to support music creators!

We also take on social and cul­tur­al respon­si­bil­i­ty and in this way fur­ther pro­mote Aus­tri­an music cre­ation. Check here to see if you are eligible.

Music. A fair business. For everyone.

AKM and aus­tro mechana do not oper­ate for prof­it! As non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, we only play a medi­at­ing role: Those who use music need a per­for­mance license. We for­ward the mon­ey for this on to our mem­bers, the authors, com­posers and pub­lish­ers of music.

Moderne Kopfhörer in Neon-Nachtbeleuchtung
Glückliche Geschäftsleute mit digitale Devices im Freien

We’re here for you. And together for music.

Fair­ness and appre­ci­a­tion. Com­mit­ment and pas­sion. Trans­paren­cy and speed. High-qual­i­ty ser­vice and indi­vid­ual con­sul­ta­tion. This is the set list that we’d like to work with and have accom­pa­ny you ⎯ in a tune that sets a good mood ⎯ for those who cre­ate music and those who use it.

Encore? With pleasure!

Do you have fur­ther ques­tions about AKM or aus­tro mechana? Do you need assis­tance with any­thing? What can we do for you?

We’re here for you! Don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us! We’ll be hap­py to help!