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We are our members. We stand up for every single musician.
We are our members. We stand up for every single musician.
Konzert von Sthanley de Leon mit bunter Lichter

A heart for musicians

Every­one loves music, and we also love those who cre­ate that mag­ic in the first place: the authors and pub­lish­ers. Music doesn’t just come from the radio, the inter­net or your smart­phone. Music is hard work – for com­posers, authors and music pub­lish­ers. For our part, we pass on the mon­ey to the authors that orga­niz­ers, com­pa­nies, radio oper­a­tors, etc. pay to use the works. This is how we ensure that musi­cians can make a liv­ing from their work.

junge Frau hört Musik im Freien

Because music is really worth something

AKM ensures that music authors and music pub­lish­ers receive com­pen­sa­tion when their music is played at con­certs, events, clubs, etc., used as back­ground music in cafés, restau­rants, shop­ping cen­ters, etc., broad­cast on radio or tele­vi­sion or made avail­able on the internet.

Aus­tro mechana ensures that music authors and music pub­lish­ers get their “mechan­i­cal rights”. This means your share of the sales pro­ceeds from audio and video record­ings as well as the roy­al­ties for the repro­duc­tion of your works. It also col­lects and dis­trib­utes the pri­vate copy­ing levy.

We bring the world repertoire to Austria

We not only rep­re­sent the world reper­toire, but can also offer our Aus­tri­an cus­tomers the rights to it. No mat­ter what area you come from — from the event indus­try, sound car­ri­er and video pro­duc­tion, radio and tele­vi­sion, online busi­ness, production/import of blank stor­age media, etc.

Everything to do with rights

AKM and aus­tro mechana are col­lect­ing soci­eties and are there­fore sub­ject to the Col­lect­ing Soci­eties Act (Ver­wGesG). The Inspec­torate for Col­lect­ing Soci­eties thus mon­i­tors and audits what we do.

Nahaufnahme Hand eines Musikers schreibt Musiknoten auf Partitur
Musiksynthesizer bei der Arbeit

We are the music authors

AKM and aus­tro mechana are nei­ther a bureau nor a state author­i­ty of any kind: we are non-prof­it col­lect­ing soci­eties and as such, we belong to Aus­tri­an com­posers, music lyri­cists and music pub­lish­ers. This means: we are the rights hold­ers and we also orga­nize our­selves accord­ing­ly. Our bod­ies are made up exclu­sive­ly of authors, com­posers and music pub­lish­ers who do the deci­sion-mak­ing on all essen­tial mat­ters, such as annu­al finan­cial state­ments, dis­tri­b­u­tion rules, over­all con­tracts, bud­gets, etc.


The AKM is orga­nized as a coop­er­a­tive. The statute of the AKM rep­re­sents, so to speak, the con­sti­tu­tion of the AKM.
The gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers con­sists of all full mem­bers (=coop­er­a­tive mem­bers). It meets once a year for the ordi­nary gen­er­al meet­ing.
The most impor­tant com­pe­ten­cies of the gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers include the elec­tions of the board of direc­tors and the super­vi­so­ry board and oth­er AKM com­mit­tees, the approval of the annu­al finan­cial state­ments, the amend­ment of the statutes, and the res­o­lu­tion on the guide­lines for cul­tur­al institutions.

The super­vi­so­ry board con­sists of six full mem­bers, two each from the Curia of Com­posers, the Curia of Authors and the Curia of Music Pub­lish­ers; these are elect­ed every five years by the gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers. The super­vi­so­ry board elects its chair­per­son and a first and sec­ond deputy. Fur­ther­more, due to legal reg­u­la­tions, the super­vi­so­ry board includes rep­re­sen­ta­tives of AKM’s employees.

abgeschnittene Aufnahme eines Musikers, der Standup-Bass spielt

The current composition of the supervisory board

Kurt Brun­thaler

Com­posers Curia

Richard Dünser

Chair­man, Com­posers Curia

Peter Hrn­cirik

Authors Curia

Wern­er Marinell

2nd deputy Chair­man, Authors Curia

Hel­muth Pany

1st deputy Chair­man, Pub­lish­ers Curia

Maria Teuch­mann

Pub­lish­ers Curia

Heinz Man­fre­da

Finan­cial expert

The current composition of the board

Peter Vieweger

Pres­i­dent, Com­posers Curia

Edith Michaela Krupka-Dornaus

Vice Pres­i­dent, Pub­lish­ers Curia

Johann Ecker

Vice Pres­i­dent, Authors Curia

Paul Hertel

Vice Pres­i­dent, Com­posers Curia

Clemens Brugger

Pub­lish­ers Curia

Victor Poslusny

Authors Curia

Lothar Scherpe

Com­posers Curia

Astrid Koblanck

Pub­lish­ers Curia

Gerlinde Knaus

Authors Curia

Peter Janda


Wolfgang Stanicek

Pub­lish­ers Curia

Emanuel Treu

Authors Curia

Four representatives of the AKM employees

The board con­sists of twelve full mem­bers, four each from the Curia of Com­posers, the Curia of Authors and the Curia of Music Pub­lish­ers. The board mem­bers are elect­ed every five years by the gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers. The gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers elects a pres­i­dent and three vice-pres­i­dents from among the board mem­bers, who togeth­er form the exec­u­tive committee.

Nahaufnahme des Mikrofons auf unscharfem Hintergrund

In accordance with the AKM statute, the board of directors and, on its behalf, the general manager, operate business. The general director is appointed by the board of directors.

Ger­not Graninger

Gen­er­al Director

männlicher Musiker spielt Schlagzeug und Becken bei Konzert

The current composition of the program review committee

Chris­t­ian Brun­thaler
Peter Havlicek
Georg Heck­er­mann
Stephan Her­zog
Peter Jägers­berg­er
Michael W. Krausz
Har­ald Lak­its
Peter Legat
Gary Lux
Lois Man­zl
Rens Nieuw­land
Gus­tav See­mann
Regi­na Stein­metz
Chris­t­ian Zierhofer

Alexan­der Blechinger
Vic­tor Gan­gl
Johannes Hin­ter­stein­er
Chris­t­ian Skokan
Georg Strzy­zows­ki

The current composition of the commission for musical ratings

Kurt Brun­thaler
Richard Dünser
Ger­hard Heinz
Paul Her­tel
Peter Jan­da
Wolf­gang Mit­ter­er
Wolf­gang Stanicek

Alexan­der Blechinger
Thomas Doss
Peter Havlicek
Alois Man­zl
Hel­muth Pany
Chris­t­ian Skokan
Peter Wer­ba

Delegates of those entitled to royalties

Mem­bers of the AKM who are not full mem­bers (coop­er­a­tive mem­bers) of the AKM, but who are sole­ly con­nect­ed to the AKM through a man­age­ment agree­ment, are referred to as roy­al­ty recip­i­ents.
At the meet­ing of those enti­tled to roy­al­ties which takes place pri­or to each gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers, these peo­ple can elect del­e­gates from their ranks. The del­e­gates are allowed to take part in the gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers with an advi­so­ry capac­i­ty, and on some mat­ters, they are ful­ly enti­tled to have a say.

At the meeting of those entitled to royalties, the following delegates were elected to the 2023 general meeting:

Authors Curia

Michael Stre­it­er

Piotr Veits

Com­posers Curia

Mor­gana Petrik

Jess Robin

Pub­lish­ers Curia

Rosi­ta S. Romano

All-round music

Jür­gen Distler

Ink Music

Musikerin bearbeitet Musik über Laptop

austro mechana

aus­tro mechana is a lim­it­ed lia­bil­i­ty com­pa­ny and a sub­sidiary of AKM. The arti­cles of asso­ci­a­tion reg­u­late the prin­ci­ples and respon­si­bil­i­ties at aus­tro mechana.
The man­ag­ing direc­tor of aus­tro mechana is Ger­not Graninger, who is also the gen­er­al direc­tor of AKM.

The super­vi­so­ry board is appoint­ed by the gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers. It con­sists of two com­posers, a pub­lish­er and an author. Fur­ther­more, due to legal reg­u­la­tions, rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the employ­ees of aus­tro mechana belong to the super­vi­so­ry board.

The current composition of the supervisory board

Johann Eck­er


Paul Her­tel


Edith Michaela



Peter Vieweger


Two rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the employ­ees of aus­tro mechana.

Kamera, die einen Geschäftsmann beim Sprechen aufzeichnet

Become a cooperative member

As a beneficiary of royalties, you can later become a full cooperative member

When you join AKM, you will ini­tial­ly be accept­ed as a mem­ber enti­tled to receive royalties.

If cer­tain require­ments are met, mem­bers enti­tled to receive roy­al­ties can become coop­er­a­tive mem­bers (full mem­bers) of AKM at a lat­er date. The require­ments are stan­dard­ized in the guide­lines for full coop­er­a­tive mem­ber­ship for authors and for music pub­lish­ers respectively.

An infor­mal but writ­ten request must be sent to the AKM board. This must also indi­cate which curia (com­posers, authors, music pub­lish­ers) you want to be admit­ted to as a full member.

Full mem­bers are allowed to take part in the gen­er­al meet­ings of AKM and are enti­tled to vote in these meetings.

Note: For roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion, it makes no dif­fer­ence whether a mem­ber of AKM is a full mem­ber or a roy­al­ty recip­i­ent. Full mem­ber­ship is not required for receiv­ing social ben­e­fits, such as the retire­ment benefit.

Mitglied des Orchesters klassisch Musik beim Violinspielen auf einem Konzert


The Copy­right Act (UrhG) is some­thing like the Magna Car­ta for cre­ative peo­ple. It stip­u­lates that only the author decides what can hap­pen to his or her cre­ative work. How­ev­er, authors can also entrust oth­er peo­ple with grant­i­ng these per­mis­sions: in the area of musi­cal copy­rights, these are usu­al­ly col­lect­ing soci­eties. In some cas­es, authors are also rep­re­sent­ed by pub­lish­ers, e.g. for film­ing rights or stage performances.