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Membership for Music Creators

Your music is being played? As an AKM member, you will receive royalties for it!
Your music is being played? As an AKM member, you will receive royalties for it!
Musiker spielt Saxofon

Your membership brings in real money

We stand up for your rights and col­lect those roy­al­ties for you — all around the world! In order to join AKM and aus­tro mechana, you should be a com­pos­er, lyri­cist, or arranger, and at least one of your works must have been used in the past cal­en­dar year or in the cur­rent year.


I am already a member

My ser­vice portal

Your mem­ber­ship is no way tied to Aus­tri­an cit­i­zen­ship or actu­al res­i­dence in Austria.

Musiker singt und spielt Musik mit Gitarre

Your membership absolutely pays off!

You com­pose or write music lyrics, you arrange or edit music works, or you have found­ed a music pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny? Then you are enti­tled to receive mon­ey for per­for­mances, broad­casts, record sales, and usages of your (pub­lished) works – your royalties!

männlicher Musiker spielt Schlagzeug und Becken bei Konzert

We do everything we can to take care of your royalties!

Over 25,000 com­posers, lyri­cists, and music pub­lish­ers already entrust us with man­ag­ing their music rights. We are their trustees – not only in Aus­tria but also through our col­lab­o­ra­tion with col­lect­ing soci­eties all around the world. This means we don’t gen­er­ate prof­its our­selves but instead dis­trib­ute the rev­enue which we col­lect to our members.

Application for membership here

If you meet the admis­sion require­ments, we will send you an email with the link to the online appli­ca­tion forms. Once we have received the com­plet­ed forms, we will noti­fy you in writ­ing of your acceptance.

How to become a member


You fill out the appli­ca­tion for admission.



AKM checks whether the admis­sion require­ments are met and sends you the link to the mem­ber­ship documents.



You return the com­plet­ed and signed mem­ber­ship doc­u­ments, includ­ing the rep­re­sen­ta­tion agreements.



AKM and/or aus­tro mechana con­firm your mem­ber­ship in the respec­tive society.


The cost of your membership

All you pay is a one-time admis­sion fee only ⎯ nei­ther AKM nor aus­tro mechana charge a reg­u­lar mem­ber­ship fee.

AKM aus­tro mechana
Admis­sion fee 
78 € 
55 € 
Stu­dents up to age 27 
12 € 
12 € 
Charges includ­ing 20% VAT 

The collection agreement contract makes us your trustees.

Upon your sig­na­ture on the col­lec­tion agree­ment con­tract, you entrust us with the fidu­cia­ry rep­re­sen­ta­tion of your rights and claims. In order for us to do a thor­ough job of rep­re­sent­ing you, we rec­om­mend that you join both soci­eties. The col­lec­tion agree­ment con­tract applies to all works you have already cre­at­ed and will cre­ate in the future. The grant­i­ng of rights is exclu­sive and for the entire world.

Flügeltastatur bei Sonnenuntergang
Symbol Häkchen

AKM’s col­lec­tion agree­ment con­tract cov­ers the per­for­mance right, the broad­cast­ing right, and the right of mak­ing avail­able to the pub­lic, as well as relat­ed remu­ner­a­tion claims.

Symbol Häkchen

Aus­tro mechana’s col­lec­tion agree­ment con­tract cov­ers mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion rights, as well as relat­ed remu­ner­a­tion claims.

We are there to support music creators!

We also take on social and cul­tur­al respon­si­bil­i­ties, there­in fur­ther pro­mot­ing Aus­tri­an music creation.

Do you have any questions about membership? We are happy to advise you!

Mitarbeiter Heidrun Zeisler

Hei­drun Zeisler

Mem­ber­ship Applications
+43 50717–19107

Mitarbeiter Tamara Herker

Tama­ra Herker

Mem­ber­ship Services 
+43 50717–19108


AKM and aus­tro mechana ensure that musi­cal authors and com­posers are fair­ly com­pen­sat­ed when their works are used. We act as trustees, man­ag­ing the rights of com­posers and music lyri­cists. We col­lab­o­rate with our inter­na­tion­al sis­ter orga­ni­za­tions to ensure that roy­al­ties are col­lect­ed world­wide. Music users can obtain the nec­es­sary licens­es from us for a fee. We dis­trib­ute the rev­enue to the musi­cal authors and com­posers accord­ing to estab­lished rules.

Copy­right law pro­tects each of your works as your own intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty from the very moment you cre­ate it — no reg­is­tra­tion or appli­ca­tion is required. To pre­vent your author­ship from being stolen, it’s a good idea to gath­er togeth­er the evi­dence that you actu­al­ly cre­at­ed your work at a spe­cif­ic point in time! Tip: send your­self the man­u­script or the record­ing (on a data stick, etc.) of the work by reg­is­tered mail and keep the enve­lope unopened to estab­lish a record of the date, com­plete with the post­mark on it. Keep any doc­u­men­ta­tion relat­ed to the cre­ation his­to­ry of the work. If you are an AKM mem­ber, report each new­ly cre­at­ed work as soon as pos­si­ble and upload an audio file — the work reg­is­tra­tion with AKM serves as proof of your authorship.

Music and lin­guis­tic works are pro­tect­ed until 70 years after the death of the author or the last liv­ing co-author.

A band can­not join, but the indi­vid­ual band mem­bers can — as long as they are also authors and not “just” per­form­ing artists.

Music and lit­er­ary works can be used in dif­fer­ent ways. For exam­ple, through pub­lic per­for­mance, through repro­duc­tion on paper (sheet music) or on a sound or video record­ing (CD, DVD, etc.), through dis­tri­b­u­tion — sale, rental, lend­ing — of sheet music and sound or pic­ture record­ings, through broad­cast or through, that they are made avail­able on net­works (inter­net, mobile phone net­work, etc.). Depend­ing on the respec­tive option, the cor­re­spond­ing exploita­tion rights are referred to as the following:

Right to per­form
Right to broad­cast or right to make avail­able to the pub­lic
Repro­duc­tion right
Right of distribution

The right to per­form, broad­cast and make avail­able to the pub­lic is exer­cised by AKM, and the mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion right is exer­cised by aus­tro mechana.
Where we are not respon­si­ble, the rights must be exer­cised by the pub­lish­er or the author him/herself. For exam­ple, when print­ing music (graph­ic repro­duc­tion), when per­form­ing dra­mat­ic music works (so-called grand rights), when com­bin­ing a musi­cal work with a film or audio­vi­su­al pro­duc­tion (“sync right”) or when edit­ing or arrang­ing a work.