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International usage

The calculation is accurate – worldwide!
The calculation is accurate – worldwide!
Nahaufnahme einer Frau, die mit einem Taschenrechner in seinem Büro über Finanzen arbeitet, um die Ausgaben zu berechnen

Cooperation with sister companies worldwide

AKM and aus­tro mechana have con­clud­ed reci­procity agree­ments with numer­ous col­lect­ing soci­eties (e.g. GEMA in Ger­many) in all parts of the world.

Based on these con­tracts, the com­pa­nies in the respec­tive coun­try also work for mem­bers of AKM and aus­tro mechana, i.e. they also col­lect the license fees for our mem­bers in their coun­try and dis­trib­ute the roy­al­ty amounts attrib­ut­able to our mem­bers to AKM and aus­tro mechana.

We also work for you in advance

As an addi­tion­al ser­vice, AKM also works in advance of the dis­tri­b­u­tion: live per­for­mances abroad can be report­ed via the ser­vice por­tal.

Sound record­ing pro­duc­tions abroad can be report­ed to aus­tro mechana at the e‑mail address [email protected].

More royalties from online usage

Music is increas­ing­ly being streamed on on-demand plat­forms such as Spo­ti­fy and YouTube. In order to process usage reports more quick­ly and accu­rate­ly and to help ensure that cre­ators receive their roy­al­ties prompt­ly, AKM has estab­lished a strate­gic part­ner­ship with ICE (Inter­na­tion­al Copy­right Enter­prise) in the field of mul­ti-ter­ri­to­r­i­al online licens­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, the data pro­cess­ing of sev­er­al online plat­forms is car­ried out through AKM’s NEON software.

Payout dates & International distribution

Find out here what pay­ments will be made when this year.

The pay­out dates for the cur­rent year and pre­vi­ous years at a glance:


Bosnia-Amus 2022 incl. pri­or periods

Esto­nia-Eaü 2022 incl. pri­or periods

Ger­many-Gema 2022 NV (sub­se­quent billing for pub­lic performance)

Great Britain-Prs 2022 1.HJ*

Italy-Siae 2022

Japan-Jas­rac 2022

Lithua­nia-Lat­ga 2022

Mex­i­co-Sacm 2022

Poland-Zaiks 2023

Switzer­land-Suisa 2023 1.HJ*

Slowakia-Soza 2022

Spain-Sgae 2023 1.HJ*

Hun­gary-Artisjus 2022

*For these coun­tries, billing is done semi-annu­al­ly; we can only accept com­plaints after pay­ment for the sec­ond half of the year.

Bel­gium-Sabam 2022

Den­mark-Koda 2022

France-Sacem 2023 1.HJ*

Hongkong-Cash 2022

Croa­t­ia-Hds 2022

Swe­den-Stim 2022

Ser­bia-Sokoj 2022

Skan­di­navia-NCB/N­MP 2023

Southafrica-Sam­ro 2022

Czech-Osa 2022

*For these coun­tries, billing is done semi-annu­al­ly; we can only accept com­plaints after pay­ment for the sec­ond half of the year.

Argenti­na-Sada­ic 2023

Brazil-Ubc 2023

Chi­na-Mcsc 2023

Ger­many-Gema 2023 HJ (Pub­lic Performances)

Great Britain-Prs 2022 2.HJ*

Nether­lands-Buma 2022

Roma­nia-Ucmr 2023

Switzer­land-Suisa 2023 2.HJ*

Slowe­nia-Sazas 2022

Spain-Sgae 2023 2.HJ*

Tai­wan — Müst 2022

*For these coun­tries, billing is done semi-annu­al­ly; we can only accept com­plaints after pay­ment for the sec­ond half of the year.

Argenti­na-Sada­ic 2023

Brazil-Ubc 2023

Chi­na-Mcsc 2023

Ger­many-Gema 2023 HJ (Pub­lic Performances)

Great Britain-Prs 2022 2.HJ*

Nether­lands-Buma 2022

Roma­nia-Ucmr 2023

Switzer­land-Suisa 2023 2.HJ*

Slowe­nia-Sazas 2022

Spain-Sgae 2023 2.HJ*

Tai­wan — Müst 2022

Aus­tralia-Apra 2023

Ger­many-Gema 2023 (Radio,TV,Film)

Fin­land-Teosto 2023

France-Sacem 2023 2.HJ*

Greece-Auto­dia 2023

Ire­land-Imro 2023

Israel-Acum 2022

Cana­da-Socan 2023

New Zealand-Apra 2023

Nor­way-Tono 2023

Por­tu­gal-Spa 2022

South Korea-Kom­ca 2022

USA-Ascap 2023**

USA-Bmi 2023**

*For these coun­tries, billing is done semi-annu­al­ly; we can only accept com­plaints after pay­ment for the sec­ond half of the year.
** There are two col­lect­ing soci­eties for the USA territory.

aus­tro mechana

Den­mark: Online/SMV 2022/2023
Italy: Phono/Video/Online 2022 | Radio 2022 | TV+Film onTV 2022

Ger­many: Online 2/22 | Phono + Video Sound Car­ri­er 1/23
France:  Phono/Online/SMV 1/23 | Radio 1/23 | TV + Film on TV 1/23
Nether­lands: Phono/Online/Video 1/23 + SMV 2023 | Radio/TV + Film on TV 2022
Czech Repub­lic: Phono/Video/Online/SMV 2023 | Radio/TV 2023
Hun­gary:  Phono/Online/SMV 2022/2023 | Radio/TV 2022

Aus­tralia: Phono/Online 2023
Japan: Phono/Video/Online/SMV 2023 | Radio/TV 2023
Cana­da: Phono/Online/Radio/TV 2023
New Zealand:  Phono/Online 2023
Swe­den: Online 2022/2023
Switzer­land: TV Pri­vate sta­tions 2023 | Phono/Video Q 2+3 2023 | Radio Q 2 +3 2023 | TV Q 2 +3 2023 | Online/Ringtones 2022–6/2023
Scan­di­navia: Phono/Online 2023
Slowakia: Phono/Online/Radio/TV 2023
Spain: Phono/Video/SMV 2022/2023 | Radio/TV/Div.
USA: Phono/Online 2023

Bel­gium: Phono/Video/Online 2023  + SMV 2022 | Radio/TV/Div. Record­ings 2022 + 2023
Ger­many: Film on TV 2023 | Online 1/23 | Phono + Video Sound Car­ri­er 2/23 | Radio 2023 | TV 2023
Eng­land: Phono/Radio/TV/Online 2023 AR & NR
France: Phono/Online/SMV 2/23 | Radio 2/23 | TV + Film on TV 2/23
Switzer­land: Online/Ringtones 2022/2023 | Phono/Video Q 4/ 2023 + Q 1/ 2024 | Radio Q 4/ 2023 + Q 1/ 2024 + Pri­vate sta­tions 2023 | TV Q 4/ 2023 + Q 1/ 2024

Com­plaints inter­na­tion­al usage

Our mem­bers receive income from the use of AKM reper­toire abroad via the col­lect­ing soci­ety in the respec­tive coun­try. These funds are received by AKM at dif­fer­ent time inter­vals, depend­ing on the roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion cycle of the respec­tive com­pa­ny, but at least once per year.

AKM dis­trib­utes these funds once a year. For Ger­many, Switzer­land, France, Spain and Great Britain, dis­tri­b­u­tion takes place twice a year.

AKM sub­mits com­plaints about roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion to the respec­tive sis­ter com­pa­ny. It is nec­es­sary to check in advance whether the coun­try in ques­tion, the peri­od and the divi­sion have already been distributed.

In order to be able to suc­cess­ful­ly lob­by our part­ner com­pa­nies inter­na­tion­al­ly, we need fur­ther infor­ma­tion from you via email:

For radio/TV broad­casts, please pro­vide us with the broad­cast date, the name of the broad­cast­ing sta­tion and the pro­gram and, if known, the time of the broadcast.

For pub­lic performances/concerts, the basis is the pro­gram report sub­mit­ted via the ser­vice por­tal or the copy of the set list (pro­gram report) sent by the orga­niz­er to the sis­ter com­pa­ny pro­vid­ed by you. If nei­ther the pro­gram nor the copy of the set list is avail­able, please pro­vide  the per­for­mance date, name and address of the venue, name and address of the orga­niz­er, and the list of works played includ­ing com­pos­er details.

For sound record­ings, please send us the title, for­mat, cat­a­logue num­ber, pro­duc­er, list of works, release date and coun­try of release.

Please note that com­plaints can gen­er­al­ly only be made retroac­tive­ly for three years of use. Until 1 Decem­ber 2025, com­plaints can be lodged for the years of use 2022 — 2024, there­after only from 2023 onwards.

If you become a new mem­ber of AKM, we would like to point out that com­plaints for finan­cial years from back before you joined AKM can­not, unfor­tu­nate­ly, be lodged with us.

You have questions about international usage? We are happy to advise you!

Ansprechperson Symbol

Melanie Ingru­ber

AKM/austro mechana — international
+43 50717–19312

Ansprechperson Symbol

Mar­ti­na Horvathova

AKM/austro mechana — international
+43 50717–19318


On the AKM web­site under: XXX you can read all about when exact­ly which coun­try con­duct­ed its roy­al­ty pay­ment pro­cess­ing in the last 3 years. In case you don’t find the coun­try in the list, then it means that the roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion does not take place based on the respec­tive autho­rized ben­e­fi­cia­ry, but, for rea­sons of eco­nom­ic effi­cien­cy, rather in the form of a lump sum accord­ing to a deter­mi­na­tion by the board of direc­tors. That is, roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion with very small sums from coun­tries where very lit­tle music by our per­form­ers is played and very small sums are involved is charged on a flat-rate basis accordingly.

Be sure that your works are indeed reg­is­tered. You can have a look at your AKM-reg­is­tered works here in the ser­vice por­tal. For receiv­ing pay­ment for roy­al­ties for per­for­mances out­side Aus­tria, the pro­gram report­ing sub­mit­ted in the ser­vice por­tal is help­ful. You can find detailed infor­ma­tion about sub­mit­ting pro­gram reports on the AKM web­site. If, how­ev­er, despite hav­ing reg­is­tered works and sub­mit­ted pro­gram report­ing, no roy­al­ties for the respec­tive per­for­mance arrive, you can sub­mit a com­plaint through AKM regard­ing those out­stand­ing royalties.

As a first step, please have a detailed look at your bank account state­ments that you have received over the course of the pay­ments, and at the antic­i­pat­ed pay­out dates on our web­site and at what roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion cal­cu­la­tions for which works are specif­i­cal­ly miss­ing. First you have to kind­ly wait for the pay­out date of the respec­tive coun­try to have passed, and please note in that respect, cer­tain coun­tries do their pay­outs in two install­ments, for exam­ple, Switzer­land — SUISA, Spain — SGAE, Unit­ed King­dom — PRS. Only once pay­ment from both halves of the year has tak­en place can a com­plaint be processed.
Please send an email to this address [email protected] with the fol­low­ing information:

for live per­for­mances that took place out­side Aus­tria:
For pub­lic per­for­mances, either the pro­gram report­ing sub­mit­ted through the AKM ser­vice por­tal or a copy of the event reg­is­tra­tion includ­ing setlist (pro­gram report­ing) sent to the affil­i­ate CMO from the event orga­niz­er can serve as the basis for the com­plaint. In case nei­ther the pro­gram report­ing nor a copy of the event reg­is­tra­tion is avail­able, please send us the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:
- Date of the per­for­mance
- Name and address of the event loca­tion
- Name and date of the event orga­niz­er
- A list of the works played as well as works not charged includ­ing com­pos­er or arranger details

for radio/TV broad­casts that took place out­side Aus­tria:
Through a mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice (for exam­ple, BMAT, Music­trace, MusicD­NA), you can find out when and where your works were played on the radio or on TV. These mon­i­tor­ing lists can serve as the basis for your com­plaint. Please take the step nev­er­the­less to send us a list for each respec­tive coun­try since each 2 coun­try has its own respec­tive affil­i­ate CMO respon­si­ble for roy­al­ty pro­cess­ing. In case you do not use any mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice, please send us the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:
-Broad­cast date
-Name of the broad­cast­ing sta­tion and pro­gram
-If known, the exact time of the broad­cast
-A list of the works broad­cast along with the works not charged for roy­al­ties includ­ing com­pos­er and arranger details

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, our affil­i­ate CMOs can­not accept com­plaints with­out these details (see above). With­out this infor­ma­tion, we can­not process the complaint.

No, please do not send us any infor­ma­tion about your per­for­mances out­side Aus­tria in this case. A detailed com­par­i­son of the events or radio/TV broad­casts with the roy­al­ty cal­cu­la­tions made has to be con­duct­ed by mem­bers after the pay­ment from the respec­tive year of use.

Com­plaints are gen­er­al­ly pos­si­ble only for three years past the respec­tive use date, dead­line is the 1st of Decem­ber of the cur­rent year. For exam­ple, com­plaints for the years 2021–2023 can be sub­mit­ted up until the 1st of Decem­ber 2024 and after that, only from 2022.

Due to the miss­ing infor­ma­tion and doc­u­men­ta­tion on the part of the event orga­niz­er or due to funds not yet being col­lectible, the pro­cess­ing of com­plaints by our affil­i­ate CMOs can take time. As long as you have sub­mit­ted the com­plaint with­in the 3‑year time lim­it, how­ev­er, your right to roy­al­ties does not expire. Please exer­cise patience. As soon as a roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion cal­cu­la­tion date for your com­plaint is set, we will let you know.

No. Com­plaints for fis­cal years before your AKM mem­ber­ship unfor­tu­nate­ly can­not be processed. You’ll have to get in touch with the CMO where you were a mem­ber pre­vi­ous­ly for this.

The roy­al­ties for Germany/ GEMA for radio, TV and film are always paid out in Decem­ber for the pre­vi­ous year— so, for exam­ple, in Decem­ber 2023, roy­al­ties for the broad­cast year of 2022 are paid out. How­ev­er, only the sta­tions that are charged by pro­gram are cal­cu­lat­ed by GEMA. Should the sta­tion that played your works not be includ­ed in this list, unfor­tu­nate­ly no roy­al­ty pay­outs can be processed and there­fore also no com­plaints.
- List of radio sta­tions that are charged by pro­gram and thus eli­gi­ble for roy­al­ties
- List of TV sta­tions that are charged by pro­gram and thus eli­gi­ble for royalties

Roy­al­ties for Germany/GEMA for pub­lic per­for­mances are always paid out in Sep­tem­ber for the pre­vi­ous year— for exam­ple, in Sep­tem­ber 2023, the roy­al­ty pay­ments for the per­for­mance year for 2022 are paid out. On the GEMA web­site, you can find a fact sheet for the method of calculation.

It is gen­er­al­ly speak­ing the case that no cen­tral data­base of music works cur­rent­ly exists. Works from the AKM data­base thus do not auto­mat­i­cal­ly appear in the work data­base of the respec­tive CMO (for exam­ple, GEMA). When they do appear, it is when one use has been reg­is­tered with them already. Due to the large vol­ume of pro­gram report­ing that our affil­i­ate com­pa­nies are sent, this lack of syn­chro­niza­tion of works often takes places over the course of a com­plaint and sim­ply takes time to get worked out. Apart from that, there is the non-gov­ern­men­tal, non-prof­it umbrel­la orga­ni­za­tion, CISAC or Inter­na­tion­al Con­fed­er­a­tion of Soci­eties of Authors and Com­posers), which pro­vides the ser­vice of inter­na­tion­al work search (Cisnet/Fasttrack). This is how­ev­er not reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed or nec­es­sar­i­ly used by the respec­tive CMOs.