AKM and austro mechana have concluded reciprocity agreements with numerous collecting societies (e.g. GEMA in Germany) in all parts of the world.
Based on these contracts, the companies in the respective country also work for members of AKM and austro mechana, i.e. they also collect the license fees for our members in their country and distribute the royalty amounts attributable to our members to AKM and austro mechana.
As an additional service, AKM also works in advance of the distribution: live performances abroad can be reported via the service portal.
Sound recording productions abroad can be reported to austro mechana at the e‑mail address [email protected].
Music is increasingly being streamed on on-demand platforms such as Spotify and YouTube. In order to process usage reports more quickly and accurately and to help ensure that creators receive their royalties promptly, AKM has established a strategic partnership with ICE (International Copyright Enterprise) in the field of multi-territorial online licensing. Additionally, the data processing of several online platforms is carried out through AKM’s NEON software.
Bosnia-Amus 2022 incl. prior periods
Estonia-Eaü 2022 incl. prior periods
Germany-Gema 2022 NV (subsequent billing for public performance)
Great Britain-Prs 2022 1.HJ*
Italy-Siae 2022
Japan-Jasrac 2022
Lithuania-Latga 2022
Mexico-Sacm 2022
Poland-Zaiks 2023
Switzerland-Suisa 2023 1.HJ*
Slowakia-Soza 2022
Spain-Sgae 2023 1.HJ*
Hungary-Artisjus 2022
*For these countries, billing is done semi-annually; we can only accept complaints after payment for the second half of the year.
Belgium-Sabam 2022
Denmark-Koda 2022
France-Sacem 2023 1.HJ*
Hongkong-Cash 2022
Croatia-Hds 2022
Sweden-Stim 2022
Serbia-Sokoj 2022
Skandinavia-NCB/NMP 2023
Southafrica-Samro 2022
Czech-Osa 2022
*For these countries, billing is done semi-annually; we can only accept complaints after payment for the second half of the year.
Argentina-Sadaic 2023
Brazil-Ubc 2023
China-Mcsc 2023
Germany-Gema 2023 HJ (Public Performances)
Great Britain-Prs 2022 2.HJ*
Netherlands-Buma 2022
Romania-Ucmr 2023
Switzerland-Suisa 2023 2.HJ*
Slowenia-Sazas 2022
Spain-Sgae 2023 2.HJ*
Taiwan — Müst 2022
*For these countries, billing is done semi-annually; we can only accept complaints after payment for the second half of the year.
Argentina-Sadaic 2023
Brazil-Ubc 2023
China-Mcsc 2023
Germany-Gema 2023 HJ (Public Performances)
Great Britain-Prs 2022 2.HJ*
Netherlands-Buma 2022
Romania-Ucmr 2023
Switzerland-Suisa 2023 2.HJ*
Slowenia-Sazas 2022
Spain-Sgae 2023 2.HJ*
Taiwan — Müst 2022
Australia-Apra 2023
Germany-Gema 2023 (Radio,TV,Film)
Finland-Teosto 2023
France-Sacem 2023 2.HJ*
Greece-Autodia 2023
Ireland-Imro 2023
Israel-Acum 2022
Canada-Socan 2023
New Zealand-Apra 2023
Norway-Tono 2023
Portugal-Spa 2022
South Korea-Komca 2022
USA-Ascap 2023**
USA-Bmi 2023**
*For these countries, billing is done semi-annually; we can only accept complaints after payment for the second half of the year.
** There are two collecting societies for the USA territory.
austro mechana
Denmark: Online/SMV 2022/2023
Italy: Phono/Video/Online 2022 | Radio 2022 | TV+Film onTV 2022
Germany: Online 2/22 | Phono + Video Sound Carrier 1/23
France: Phono/Online/SMV 1/23 | Radio 1/23 | TV + Film on TV 1/23
Netherlands: Phono/Online/Video 1/23 + SMV 2023 | Radio/TV + Film on TV 2022
Czech Republic: Phono/Video/Online/SMV 2023 | Radio/TV 2023
Hungary: Phono/Online/SMV 2022/2023 | Radio/TV 2022
Australia: Phono/Online 2023
Japan: Phono/Video/Online/SMV 2023 | Radio/TV 2023
Canada: Phono/Online/Radio/TV 2023
New Zealand: Phono/Online 2023
Sweden: Online 2022/2023
Switzerland: TV Private stations 2023 | Phono/Video Q 2+3 2023 | Radio Q 2 +3 2023 | TV Q 2 +3 2023 | Online/Ringtones 2022–6/2023
Scandinavia: Phono/Online 2023
Slowakia: Phono/Online/Radio/TV 2023
Spain: Phono/Video/SMV 2022/2023 | Radio/TV/Div.
USA: Phono/Online 2023
Belgium: Phono/Video/Online 2023 + SMV 2022 | Radio/TV/Div. Recordings 2022 + 2023
Germany: Film on TV 2023 | Online 1/23 | Phono + Video Sound Carrier 2/23 | Radio 2023 | TV 2023
England: Phono/Radio/TV/Online 2023 AR & NR
France: Phono/Online/SMV 2/23 | Radio 2/23 | TV + Film on TV 2/23
Switzerland: Online/Ringtones 2022/2023 | Phono/Video Q 4/ 2023 + Q 1/ 2024 | Radio Q 4/ 2023 + Q 1/ 2024 + Private stations 2023 | TV Q 4/ 2023 + Q 1/ 2024
Complaints international usage
Our members receive income from the use of AKM repertoire abroad via the collecting society in the respective country. These funds are received by AKM at different time intervals, depending on the royalty distribution cycle of the respective company, but at least once per year.
AKM distributes these funds once a year. For Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain and Great Britain, distribution takes place twice a year.
AKM submits complaints about royalty distribution to the respective sister company. It is necessary to check in advance whether the country in question, the period and the division have already been distributed.
In order to be able to successfully lobby our partner companies internationally, we need further information from you via email:
For radio/TV broadcasts, please provide us with the broadcast date, the name of the broadcasting station and the program and, if known, the time of the broadcast.
For public performances/concerts, the basis is the program report submitted via the service portal or the copy of the set list (program report) sent by the organizer to the sister company provided by you. If neither the program nor the copy of the set list is available, please provide the performance date, name and address of the venue, name and address of the organizer, and the list of works played including composer details.
For sound recordings, please send us the title, format, catalogue number, producer, list of works, release date and country of release.
Please note that complaints can generally only be made retroactively for three years of use. Until 1 December 2025, complaints can be lodged for the years of use 2022 — 2024, thereafter only from 2023 onwards.
If you become a new member of AKM, we would like to point out that complaints for financial years from back before you joined AKM cannot, unfortunately, be lodged with us.
On the AKM website under: XXX you can read all about when exactly which country conducted its royalty payment processing in the last 3 years. In case you don’t find the country in the list, then it means that the royalty distribution does not take place based on the respective authorized beneficiary, but, for reasons of economic efficiency, rather in the form of a lump sum according to a determination by the board of directors. That is, royalty distribution with very small sums from countries where very little music by our performers is played and very small sums are involved is charged on a flat-rate basis accordingly.
Be sure that your works are indeed registered. You can have a look at your AKM-registered works here in the service portal. For receiving payment for royalties for performances outside Austria, the program reporting submitted in the service portal is helpful. You can find detailed information about submitting program reports on the AKM website. If, however, despite having registered works and submitted program reporting, no royalties for the respective performance arrive, you can submit a complaint through AKM regarding those outstanding royalties.
As a first step, please have a detailed look at your bank account statements that you have received over the course of the payments, and at the anticipated payout dates on our website and at what royalty distribution calculations for which works are specifically missing. First you have to kindly wait for the payout date of the respective country to have passed, and please note in that respect, certain countries do their payouts in two installments, for example, Switzerland — SUISA, Spain — SGAE, United Kingdom — PRS. Only once payment from both halves of the year has taken place can a complaint be processed.
Please send an email to this address [email protected] with the following information:
for live performances that took place outside Austria:
For public performances, either the program reporting submitted through the AKM service portal or a copy of the event registration including setlist (program reporting) sent to the affiliate CMO from the event organizer can serve as the basis for the complaint. In case neither the program reporting nor a copy of the event registration is available, please send us the following information:
- Date of the performance
- Name and address of the event location
- Name and date of the event organizer
- A list of the works played as well as works not charged including composer or arranger details
for radio/TV broadcasts that took place outside Austria:
Through a monitoring service (for example, BMAT, Musictrace, MusicDNA), you can find out when and where your works were played on the radio or on TV. These monitoring lists can serve as the basis for your complaint. Please take the step nevertheless to send us a list for each respective country since each 2 country has its own respective affiliate CMO responsible for royalty processing. In case you do not use any monitoring service, please send us the following information:
-Broadcast date
-Name of the broadcasting station and program
-If known, the exact time of the broadcast
-A list of the works broadcast along with the works not charged for royalties including composer and arranger details
Unfortunately, our affiliate CMOs cannot accept complaints without these details (see above). Without this information, we cannot process the complaint.
No, please do not send us any information about your performances outside Austria in this case. A detailed comparison of the events or radio/TV broadcasts with the royalty calculations made has to be conducted by members after the payment from the respective year of use.
Complaints are generally possible only for three years past the respective use date, deadline is the 1st of December of the current year. For example, complaints for the years 2021–2023 can be submitted up until the 1st of December 2024 and after that, only from 2022.
Due to the missing information and documentation on the part of the event organizer or due to funds not yet being collectible, the processing of complaints by our affiliate CMOs can take time. As long as you have submitted the complaint within the 3‑year time limit, however, your right to royalties does not expire. Please exercise patience. As soon as a royalty distribution calculation date for your complaint is set, we will let you know.
No. Complaints for fiscal years before your AKM membership unfortunately cannot be processed. You’ll have to get in touch with the CMO where you were a member previously for this.
The royalties for Germany/ GEMA for radio, TV and film are always paid out in December for the previous year— so, for example, in December 2023, royalties for the broadcast year of 2022 are paid out. However, only the stations that are charged by program are calculated by GEMA. Should the station that played your works not be included in this list, unfortunately no royalty payouts can be processed and therefore also no complaints.
- List of radio stations that are charged by program and thus eligible for royalties
- List of TV stations that are charged by program and thus eligible for royalties
Royalties for Germany/GEMA for public performances are always paid out in September for the previous year— for example, in September 2023, the royalty payments for the performance year for 2022 are paid out. On the GEMA website, you can find a fact sheet for the method of calculation.
It is generally speaking the case that no central database of music works currently exists. Works from the AKM database thus do not automatically appear in the work database of the respective CMO (for example, GEMA). When they do appear, it is when one use has been registered with them already. Due to the large volume of program reporting that our affiliate companies are sent, this lack of synchronization of works often takes places over the course of a complaint and simply takes time to get worked out. Apart from that, there is the non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization, CISAC or International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers), which provides the service of international work search (Cisnet/Fasttrack). This is however not regularly updated or necessarily used by the respective CMOs.