It should never be missing after a successful live performance ⎯ the program report, which enables precise distribution of royalties to the authors and publishers. As an orchestra or ensemble leader, conductor, band leader, or solo entertainer, please do not forget to take that important step of submitting the program report to AKM.
For large-scale concerts in Austria AKM offers an exclusive premium service, ensuring cash benefits (≈ 120%) and swift payments for your performance.
Our service knows no borders: AKM will gladly forward the programme of your foreign performance to the relevant society.
To ensure that you receive your royalties quickly, please familiarise yourself with the regulations that apply in some countries.
In the service portal, select the “My Programs” service.
Create your group for which you would like to report a program.
Scan the QR code to import the event organizer’s information.
Enter in the music pieces which were played.
Jasmin Stadlhofer
International Live Performances
+43 50717–19301
Music programs are the basis for the royalties settlement to composers, music authors and music publishers.
When music is performed LIVE, i.e. music groups / solo entertainers perform music using musical instruments with or without singing or only singing.
Yes, please enter all works played live, e.g. also foreign repertoire, works played from memory or already independent works.
Please also note that specifying the title of an opera, operetta, sound film or collection is not sufficient. Rather, it must be stated which individual numbers, whose titles are to be stated, were played.
Music programs need to be reported quarterly. If the live performance takes place in the 1st quarter of the year, you can submit the program until May 15th. If it takes place in the 2nd quarter, submit until August 15th, in the third quarter until November 15th, in the fourth quarter until February 15th.
AKM offers its members the service of forwarding program reports to the respective foreign sister company. However, the program notification submitted by AKM members only serves as additional security if no program notification has been made by the organizer. Otherwise, the program report from the organizer will be used for settlement. Therefore, when performing abroad, it is recommended to request a copy of the program report from the organizer.