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Report your setlist or programm

No live performance without a program announcement!
No live performance without a program announcement!
Publikum beim Konzert

Live performance and program reporting go hand in hand!

It should nev­er be miss­ing after a suc­cess­ful live per­for­mance ⎯ the pro­gram report, which enables pre­cise dis­tri­b­u­tion of roy­al­ties to the authors and pub­lish­ers. As an orches­tra or ensem­ble leader, con­duc­tor, band leader, or solo enter­tain­er, please do not for­get to take that impor­tant step of sub­mit­ting the pro­gram report to AKM.

AKM service for large live gigs

For large-scale con­certs in Aus­tria AKM offers an exclu­sive pre­mi­um ser­vice, ensur­ing cash ben­e­fits (≈ 120%) and swift pay­ments for your performance.

Programme notification for performances abroad

Our ser­vice knows no bor­ders: AKM will glad­ly for­ward the pro­gramme of your for­eign per­for­mance to the rel­e­vant society.

To ensure that you receive your roy­al­ties quick­ly, please famil­iarise your­self with the reg­u­la­tions that apply in some countries.

To report programs


In the ser­vice por­tal, select the “My Pro­grams” service.



Cre­ate your group for which you would like to report a program.



Scan the QR code to import the event organizer’s information.



Enter in the music pieces which were played.


Contact us if you have questions about Live Performances in Austria

Ansprechperson Symbol

Patri­cia Sonleitner

Live Per­for­mances
Cabaret/interlude music
+43 50717–19321

Ansprechperson Symbol

Alice Reiss

Live per­for­mances
+43 50717–19331

Ansprechperson Symbol

Jas­min Dallapozza

Live performances
+43 50717–19330

Ansprechperson Symbol

Geral­dine Collet

Seri­ous music
+43 50717–19322

Ansprechperson Symbol

Renate Rausch­er

Seri­ous music
+43 50717–19327

Ansprechperson Symbol

Gertrude Flan­dor­fer

Church music
+43 50717–19334

Your contact for International Live Performances

Ansprechperson Symbol

Jas­min Stadlhofer

Inter­na­tion­al Live Performances
+43 50717–19301


Music pro­grams are the basis for the roy­al­ties set­tle­ment to com­posers, music authors and music publishers. 

When music is per­formed LIVE, i.e. music groups / solo enter­tain­ers per­form music using musi­cal instru­ments with or with­out singing or only singing.

Yes, please enter all works played live, e.g. also for­eign reper­toire, works played from mem­o­ry or already inde­pen­dent works.

Please also note that spec­i­fy­ing the title of an opera, operetta, sound film or col­lec­tion is not suf­fi­cient. Rather, it must be stat­ed which indi­vid­ual num­bers, whose titles are to be stat­ed, were played.

Music pro­grams need to be report­ed quar­ter­ly. If the live per­for­mance takes place in the 1st quar­ter of the year, you can sub­mit the pro­gram until May 15th. If it takes place in the 2nd quar­ter, sub­mit until August 15th, in the third quar­ter until Novem­ber 15th, in the fourth quar­ter until Feb­ru­ary 15th.

AKM offers its mem­bers the ser­vice of for­ward­ing pro­gram reports to the respec­tive for­eign sis­ter com­pa­ny. How­ev­er, the pro­gram noti­fi­ca­tion sub­mit­ted by AKM mem­bers only serves as addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty if no pro­gram noti­fi­ca­tion has been made by the orga­niz­er. Oth­er­wise, the pro­gram report from the orga­niz­er will be used for set­tle­ment. There­fore, when per­form­ing abroad, it is rec­om­mend­ed to request a copy of the pro­gram report from the organizer.